
CutaPro Alcohol Free Toner

CutaPro Toner is an alcohol-free toner which boosts hydration and soothes your skin without leaving your skin dry or harsh, for sensitive skin types. It can also restore your skin ph level from 4.5 to 5.5 for its alcohol-free nature.

CutaPro Toner can remove free radicals on your skin as it is made of natural bioactive substance, Centella Asiatica Extract. It provides an extra boost of hydration as it can also reduce transepidermal water loss (TEWL) of your skin. Due to its flavonoid affect, it can improve anti-ageing process and minimise skin inflammation, suited for people with skin problems.

Without affecting skin barriers, it can keep your skin moisturized, protect you from any forms of skin damage and therefore, suit all skin types.

Among many great ingredients of CutaPro Toner, Panthenol (Pro Vitamin B5) can give your skin a moisturizing boost and smooth your skin with Humectant effect. It can help your skin glow with the protection of dirt from the air and your surroundings.

More importantly, it can slow down the ageing process and helps you reduce skin inflammation with its Sodium PCA. It can best protect your skin barriers and can be used safely even for people with dry and irritable skin.